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CIVIL WAR DOCUMENTS > Confederate Documents

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Authentic antique Orders, Passes, Receipts, Requisitions, etc. from the Confederate States Armies

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto5211: Autograph, General Winfield S. Featherston

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Autograph, General Winfield S. Featherston

United States Congressman from Mississippi

Colonel of the 17th Mississippi Infantry

Wounded during the Seven Days Battles in 1862

Rare 1861 Mississippi "Confederate Guards" document on Army of Mississippi imprinted letter sheet

(1820-91) Born near Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Featherston completed his preparatory studies, but left school in 1836 to enroll in a local militia company to fight the Creek Indians during the Creek War. He later moved to Mississippi where he studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1840,...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item CD691: 1861 Mississippi Central Rail Road Company Stock Certificate

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1861 Mississippi Central Rail Road Company Stock Certificate

6 1/2 x 5, imprinted form, filled out in ink.

Mississippi Central Rail Road Company, Transfer No. 391. Office of the Mississippi Central Rail Road Company, 20 Feby. 1861. For Value Received. J.J.C. Sims of Tenn., do hereby assign and transfer unto J.B. Walker of Ga. Ten (10) Shares of the Capital Stock of the Mississippi Central Railroad Company, standing in my name on the Books of said Company, on each of which Fifty (50) Dollars have been paid, being the whole of the stock held by Certificate No. 206, M.C. & Tenn. R.R. J.C. Sims, pr. A.J. Mc...  

Your Price: $75.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item CD690: Oath of Allegiance for Confederate Surgeon, 5th Alabama Cavalry

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Oath of Allegiance for Confederate Surgeon, 5th Alabama Cavalry

I will faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United all laws and proclamations made during the existing rebellion, with reference to the emancipation of slaves

7 1/2 x 4 1/2, imprinted form, filled out in ink.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I, R.T. Abernathy, of the County of Franklin, State of Alabama, do solemnly swear or affirm, in the presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the Union of States...  

Your Price: $350.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item CD689: 1862 Confederate Pass For Surgeon

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1862 Confederate Pass For Surgeon

8 x 4 1/4, imprinted form, filled out in ink.

Military Pass. Head-Quarters First Division, Army of the Mississippi, Tuscumbia, [Alabama], Aug. 29, 1862. Guards and Pickets will pass the bearer, Dr. Abernathy through the lines and return tomorrow. By order of Brig. Gen. E.A. Paine. Wm. H. Conner, Capt. & Ass't Adj't Gen'l. Light age toning and wear. Very fine. Very desirable Confederate printed pass. Scarce.

Doctor R.T. Abernathy, served as a Surgeon in the 5th Alabama Cavalry, during the War Between The States.

Brief History of...  

Your Price: $200.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item CD688: Telegram Sent to Surgeon of the Stonewall Brigade

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Telegram Sent to Surgeon of the Stonewall Brigade

For Surgeon of the 4th Virginia Infantry

7 3/4 x 4 1/4, imprinted form, filled out in ink.

The Southern Telegraph Companies. Outlines the "Terms and Conditions on Which Messages are Received by these Companies for Transmissions." J.R. Dowell, Gen'l Sup't, Richmond, Va. W.S. Morris, Pres't, Richmond, Va. Received Oct. 15th, 1864, By telegraph from Charlotte 15th. To Surgeon W.A. Holt, Gen. Hosp. Come home immediately. Willie is very sick. We will send to Charlotte for you Sunday. Answer. Julia A. Holt. Oper[ator] Please get...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item CD687: Application For Money Due to a Dead Confederate Soldier

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Application For Money Due to a Dead Confederate Soldier

For a private in the Palmetto Sharpshooters of South Carolina

8 1/2 x 10 1/2, imprinted form, filled out in ink.

Treasury Department, Confederate States,
Second Auditor's Office,
Richmond, Va., March 5th, 1864


Your application for arrears of pay, etc. due William J. Isbell, dec'd. late private of Capt. Kilpatrick's Co., Palmetto Sharp Shooters, S.C. Vols. has been received and filed, and will be attended to as early as possible, having regard to the equal claims upon the labors of the office, of other business...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item CD686: 1862 Clothing Account For Louisiana Confederate Infantry Soldiers

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1862 Clothing Account For Louisiana Confederate Infantry Soldiers

12 x 7 1/2, two sided imprinted form, filled out in ink.

The Crescent Consolidated Regiment of Louisiana. List of Louisiana soldiers from Company G, by name, date of enlistment, and clothing given to them during their enlistment, and its value. Also listed are the dates of distribution. Includes accounts of Francis Cassell, Thomas Anderson, W.B. Robinson, and Ralph Deming. "This state militia regiment transferred to Confederate service in New Orleans on March 6, 1862, for ninety days with 945 men. The regiment went immediately to Corinth,...  

Your Price: $125.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item CD684: Confederate Scouting Report Sent to General Joseph Wheeler

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Confederate Scouting Report Sent to General Joseph Wheeler

Depredations are being committed against Southern citizens in North Georgia by Confederate raiders!

2 pages, 6 1/2 x 8 1/2, in ink, written by Captain J.M. Carden, Commanding Scouts, to General Joseph Wheeler, Commanding Cavalry Corps.

Grahamville, Jany. 8th, 1865


I have the honor to inform you that whilst upon duty collecting stragglers & deserters under orders from Brig. Genl. Reynolds, in North Georgia, I have found twelve men with authority from Gov. Joseph E. Brown to raise Regts., Battalions,...  

Your Price: $495.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item CD682: Clothing Account For Louisiana Confederate Infantry Soldiers

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Clothing Account For Louisiana Confederate Infantry Soldiers

12 x 7 1/2, two sided imprinted form, filled out in ink.

The Crescent Consolidated Regiment of Louisiana. Lists four Louisiana soldiers from Company G, by name, date of enlistment, and clothing given to them during their enlistment, and its value. Also listed are the dates of distribution. Includes accounts of Peter McGrath, E.W. Knight, P.J. Verchon, and B.H. Breaut. McGrath was formerly a member of the 24th Louisiana. "This state militia regiment transferred to Confederate service in New Orleans on March 6, 1862, for ninety days with 945...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item CL549: 1862 Letter to Joseph E. Brown, Governor of Georgia

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1862 Letter to Joseph E. Brown, Governor of Georgia

Extremely rare communication detailing "a plan for making a new kind of [Confederate] gun that we will call a packet cannon!"

2 pages, 7 3/8 x 9 1/2, in ink, written by J. Henry Hammond, (12th Georgia Artillery) to Georgia Governor Joseph E. Brown, with a diagram of the gun at the center of page 1.

Camp Jackson, Savannah, [Ga.], Feb. 24th, 1862

To his Excellency

Jos. E. Brown

Dear Sir,

Below find a plan for making a new kind of gun that we will call a "Packet Cannon." It...  

Your Price: $400.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item CD679: Confederate Officer's Pay Account From Fort Henry, Tennessee

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Confederate Officer's Pay Account From Fort Henry, Tennessee

4th Regiment Mississippi Infantry Volunteers

Signed by their gallant Colonel Joseph Drake commanding the regiment, who was captured at the fall of Fort Donelson!

7 1/4 x 12, imprinted Confederate form on blue paper, filled out and signed in ink.

Form No. 3. Officers' Pay Account. The Confederate States to Lt. A.M. Reasons. For pay as a Lt. from 24th Aug. to 1st Dec., 1861. Co. F, 4th Regt. Miss. Vols. For 3 months and 8 days. Pay Per Month, 80.00. Amount 261.33. Stationed at Fort Henry with the account dated Dec. 22nd, 1861....  

Your Price: $250.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Mem8134: 1862 State of Texas $5 Treasury Warrant For Military Service

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1862 State of Texas $5 Treasury Warrant For Military Service

Austin, June 11, 1862. Under Act of Jany. 14, 1862, for Military Service. The Treasurer of the State of Texas Will Pay Five Dollars. Vignette of George Washington holding sword at the left. Printed on light blue paper with green overprinting. Roman numeral "V" at upper right. Fancy "FIVE" overprint at the bottom. You will seldom find these not cut cancelled like this one. Choice condition.  

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