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AUTOGRAPHS > U.S. Naval Autographs

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Authentic Autographs of

Officers of the United States Navy

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto5230: Autograph, Scotty Moore, Rock n' Roll HOF

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Autograph, Scotty Moore, Rock n' Roll HOF

Founder and lead guitarist of "The Blue Moon Boys," the original backing band of Elvis Presley

(1931-2016) Born in Gadsden, Tennessee. Scotty was in the United States Navy from 1948-1952, lying and entering the service under age! He served in China and Korea. He was the lead guitarist for Elvis Presley from 1954-1968, working with "The King" in the recording studio, movie sound tracks (even appearing on camera in some of the early films), and in his touring band. Scotty was part of the original Sun Studio recordings in...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto5209: Autograph, Admiral Hiram Paulding, U.S. Navy

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Autograph, Admiral Hiram Paulding, U.S. Navy

(1797-1878) Born in Cortlandt, New York, he entered the navy as a midshipman in 1811. During the War of 1812, he served on Lakes Ontario and Champlain, participating in the victory at the latter place for which he received the "Thanks of Congress." He served on the frigate Constellation during the Algerine War, cruised on the frigate Macedonia suppressing piracy in the West Indies, commanded the schooner Shark and the sloop Levant in the Mediterranean, and commanded the sloop Vincennes in the East Indies. He was in charge of the Navy Yard at...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto5202: Autograph, Admiral Louis M. Goldsborough

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Autograph, Admiral Louis M. Goldsborough

He earned the Thanks of Congress in 1862 for the capture of Roanoke Island, North Carolina

Signature With Rank

(1805-73) Born in Washington, D.C., he was the son of a chief clerk of the U.S. Navy Department. He was appointed a midshipman in the United States Navy by Secretary of the Navy Paul Hamilton on June 28, 1812. He received his lieutenant's commission in 1825. After cruising the Pacific in the frigate United States, he participated in the bombardment of Veracruz during the Mexican War. He served consecutively as: commander of...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto5163: Autograph, Admiral Theodorus Bailey, United States Navy

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Autograph, Admiral Theodorus Bailey, United States Navy

He officially accepted the surrender of New Orleans, Louisiana in April 1862

(1805-77) A native of New York, he was appointed midshipman on January 1, 1818. In 1820-21, he cruised aboard the Cyane with Captain Trenchard, capturing several slavers off the coast of Africa. On March 3, 1827, he was commissioned lieutenant. In 1833, he sailed on a round the world cruise aboard the Vincennes, and made another round the world cruise aboard the frigate Constellation. Bailey was promoted to commander on March 6, 1851, and to captain on December 15,...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto5130: Autograph, Commodore Henry W. Morris, U.S. Navy

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Autograph, Commodore Henry W. Morris, U.S. Navy

Commander of the USS Pensacola during the bombardment of Forts Jackson & St. Philip, and capture of New Orleans, Louisiana in 1862

(1806-63) Born in Manhattan, New York City, he was the grandson of Robert Morris, signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was appointed as a midshipman on August 21, 1819, and by 1828 was promoted to lieutenant. Over the next decade and a half he served in various sea duty assignments. He was promoted to commander on October 12, 1849, where he was in charge of recruiting at New York from 1851 to 1853. His...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto5100: Autograph, Commander Tunis A.M. Craven, U.S. Navy

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Autograph, Commander Tunis A.M. Craven, U.S. Navy

Killed while commanding the U.S.S. Monitor Tecumseh during the Union attack at Mobile Bay!

Document Signed

(1813-64) Born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, he was the son of a U.S. Naval Storekeeper, and the brother of Rear Admiral Thomas T. Craven. Tunis attended Columbia College in New York City, and was then appointed as an acting midshipman, and was warranted on November 18, 1831. Promoted to passed midshipman, in September 1835, he was on duty with the U.S. Coastal Survey until 1843. He was promoted to rank of lieutenant in September...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto5084: Autograph, Gideon Welles

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Autograph, Gideon Welles

Union Secretary of the Navy during the Civil War

War Date Letter Signed

(1802-78) A former newspaper editor, he held various minor political offices and had been in the Navy Department before joining the Republican party in 1855. Named Secretary of the Navy by President Abraham Lincoln, he served with great efficiency during the war. Completely loyal to Lincoln, his support of Andrew Johnson as well made him a steadying influence in the presidential cabinet. Resigning in 1869, he later wrote "Lincoln & Seward" and published...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto5073: Autograph, Admiral John A. Dahlgren, U.S. Navy

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Autograph, Admiral John A. Dahlgren, U.S. Navy

Inventor of the famous Dahlgren gun!

(1809-70) Appointed Midshipman in the U.S. Navy in 1826, he served as an ordnance officer for 16 years, during which time he invented the "Dahlgren Gun," a rifled cannon, which became one of the standard weapons used by the Civil War navies, and he also set in motion major advances in gunnery. Dahlgren was given command of the Washington Naval Yard on April 22, 1861, a post previously held by Captain Franklin Buchanan, one of the most experienced Federal naval officers, and the first commandant...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto5065: Autograph, Admiral Thomas T. Craven, U.S. Navy

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Autograph, Admiral Thomas T. Craven, U.S. Navy

(1808-87) Appointed a midshipman in 1822, he rose to the rank of lieutenant in 1830, and in 1838, Craven commanded the U.S.S. Vincennes, the flagship of Captain Charles Wilkes during the Antarctic exploring expedition. He served as commandant of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, 1850-52, and was subsequently promoted to rank of commander. At the beginning of the Civil War, he commanded the Potomac River flotilla, and in 1862, as captain of the U.S.S. Brooklyn, he served under Rear Admiral David G. Farragut, participating in the capture of New...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto5064: Autograph, Admiral John Rodgers, U.S. Navy

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Autograph, Admiral John Rodgers, U.S. Navy

(1812-82) Entered the navy as a midshipman in 1828. He was commissioned lieutenant in 1840, and saw service in the Seminole War, 1840-43. Commissioned commander in 1855. He was ordered to superintend the building of the "Benton" class ironclads on the Mississippi River in May 1861. In November of that same year, he joined the Port Royal expedition and hoisted the American flag on Fort Walker after its capture. In 1862, he commanded an expedition on the James River leading the attack on Fort Darling. His vessel was hit 129 times during the...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto5062: Autograph, Admiral Silas H. Stringham, U.S. Navy

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Autograph, Admiral Silas H. Stringham, U.S. Navy

(1798-1876) Born in Middletown, New York, he entered the navy as a midshipman in 1809. He fought in the War of 1812, the Second Barbary War, the Mexican War, and the Civil War. In 1819, Stringham was serving aboard the Cyane, conveying black settlers to Liberia. While the Cyane was off the African coast, Stringham was given command of a boat and captured four slaver ships. He was then appointed prize-master and sent home with the captured prizes. In 1821, Stringham was appointed First Lieutenant of the brig Hornet, and was promoted to captain in 1841. He...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto5061: Autograph, Admiral Charles Steedman, U.S. Navy

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Autograph, Admiral Charles Steedman, U.S. Navy

(1811-90) Born in Charleston, S.C., he was appointed midshipman in April, 1828, and performed his first services in the West Indies and the Mediterranean Sea. He was promoted to lieutenant in 1841, and during the Mexican War was at Vera Cruz and Tampico, commanding the siege guns in the bombardment of Vera Cruz. He was promoted to commander in September 1855, and in 1859-60, he commanded the Dolphin in the Paraguay expedition and for a time had charge of the Brazilian squadron. When the Civil War broke out, Steedman although of Southern birth, remained...  

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