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Generals, Officers, Politicians & Soldiers of the Confederacy

Please note that I am very privileged to be able to offer some very rare Confederate Generals for sale on my website. Several of these I have never offered in my 46 years in business! Others I have had only once or maybe twice ever, and some I have not owned in well over 25 years! Many of these are not the type of images you can sit back and wait for a better price to come along. It is possible that some of these may be the only time you will see them for sale! I hope you enjoy adding them to your collections if you can! For Union General officer collectors please check out some of the rarities in that category too!

Happy hunting!

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9699: Signed CDV, General Braxton Bragg

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Signed CDV, General Braxton Bragg

Autographed carte de visite photograph with New Orleans, Louisiana back mark

Commander of the Confederate Army of Tennessee

Very rare Confederate image

(1817-76) Born in Warrenton, North Carolina, he graduated in the West Point class of 1837 where his classmates included notable future Civil War Union Generals Joseph Hooker, and John Sedgwick, and future Confederate Generals John C. Pemberton, and Jubal A. Early. In Bragg's pre Civil War U.S. Army career he fought against the Florida Seminole Indians, and served gallantly in...  

Your Price: $1995.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9698: CDV, General William W. Loring

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CDV, General William W. Loring

Had his arm amputated in the Mexican War

From the personal collection of Surgeon & General Bernard John Dowling Irwin. Irwin has the distinct honor of being the first recipient of the Medal of Honor in U.S. military history by date of action, February 13, 1861

(1818-86) Born in Wilmington, North Carolina, he was known as "Old Blizzards." His early military career saw him in action against the Florida Seminoles. Later he studied law and was elected to the Florida legislature. Commissioned directly in the Regular Army in 1846...  

Your Price: $295.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9695: CDV, General Samuel Jones

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CDV, General Samuel Jones

From the personal collection of Surgeon & General Bernard John Dowling Irwin. Irwin has the distinct honor of being the first recipient of the Medal of Honor in U.S. military history by date of action, February 13, 1861

(1819-87) Born at "Woodfield," his family's plantation in Powhatan County, Va. Graduated in the West Point class of 1841. From 1846-51 Jones held the position of assistant professor of mathematics and instructor of infantry and artillery tactics at the United States Military Academy. He resigned from the U.S. Army...  

Your Price: $250.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9694: Signed CDV, General George Washington Custis Lee

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Signed CDV, General George Washington Custis Lee

Signed carte de visite photograph with Richmond, Va. backmark

Eldest son of General Robert E. Lee

Captured at Sayler's Creek, Va., in 1865

(1832-1913) Born on September 16, 1832, at Fortress Monroe, Va., he was the eldest son of General Robert E. Lee, and graduated #1 in the West Point class of 1854. As a captain of engineers in the Confederate army, he engaged in the construction of the fortifications around Richmond and later served on the personal staff of C.S.A. President Jefferson Davis with rank of colonel. He was...  

Your Price: $1495.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9693: CDV, General Simon B. Buckner

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CDV, General Simon B. Buckner

Confederate Lieutenant General

Governor of Kentucky

T. Lilenthal, New Orleans, La. backmark

(1823-1914) He was born at Glen Lily, his family's estate near Munfordville, Kentucky. His closest friend in Munfordville was Thomas J. Wood, who would become a Union Army general opposing Buckner at the Battles of Perryville, Ky., and at Chickamauga, Ga. during the Civil War. He graduated from West Point in the class of 1844, and later returned to the Military Academy to serve as an assistant professor of geography, history, and...  

Your Price: $900.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9692: CDV, General Thomas L. Rosser

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CDV, General Thomas L. Rosser

Wounded 3 times during the War Between the States

Commanded the "Laurel Brigade"

From the personal collection of Surgeon & General Bernard John Dowling Irwin. Irwin has the distinct honor of being the first recipient of the Medal of Honor in U.S. military history by date of action, February 13, 1861

(1836-1910) Born on a farm called "Catalpa Hill," in Campbell County, Virginia. Appointed to West Point in 1856, at that time a 5 year course, his roommate was John Pelham. Rosser resigned on April 22, 1861, two...  

Your Price: $250.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9687: CDV, General Leonidas Polk

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CDV, General Leonidas Polk

Killed at Pine Mountain, Ga. in June 1864

From the personal collection of Surgeon & General Bernard John Dowling Irwin. Irwin has the distinct honor of being the first recipient of the Medal of Honor in U.S. military history by date of action, February 13, 1861

(1806-64) Born in Raleigh, North Carolina, he was known as the "Bishop Militant." Polk graduated in the West Point class of 1827 with an impressive academic record, excelling in rhetoric and moral philosophy. He graduated eighth of 38 cadets, and was appointed a...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9686: CDV, General Edward Johnson

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CDV, General Edward Johnson

He was seriously wounded during the 1862 Shenandoah Valley Campaign

Johnson led General Stonewall Jackson's old division at Gettysburg, the Wilderness, and Spotsylvania

He was captured at Spotsylvania while defending the Bloody Angle in May 1864

Johnson was captured at the battle of Nashville, Tennessee in December 1864

From the personal collection of Surgeon & General Bernard John Dowling Irwin. Irwin has the distinct honor of being the first recipient of the Medal of Honor in U.S. military history by date of action,...  

Your Price: $225.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9683: CDV, General John B. Magruder

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CDV, General John B. Magruder

From the personal collection of Surgeon & General Bernard John Dowling Irwin. Irwin has the distinct honor of being the first recipient of the Medal of Honor in U.S. military history by date of action, February 13, 1861

(1807-71) Known as "Prince John," a resplendently uniformed man with a theatrical manner, he attained a reputation for his social grace and etiquette. Born at Port Royal, Virginia, he graduated in the West Point class of 1830. He fought gallantry during the Mexican War, while an artillery officer, and at the Battle...  

Your Price: $185.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9674: CDV, General James Longstreet

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CDV, General James Longstreet

Commanded the 1st Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia

Severely wounded in the Battle of the Wilderness, Virginia in May 1864

(1821-1904) Born in Edgefield District, South Carolina, he was one of the foremost Confederate generals of the Civil War, and the principal subordinate to General Robert E. Lee, who called him his "Old War Horse." An 1842 graduate of West Point, Longstreet fought in the Mexican War, and was wounded in the Battle of Chapultepec. Throughout the 1850s, he served on the western frontier. In June...  

Your Price: $350.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9672: CDV, General Simon B. Buckner

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CDV, General Simon B. Buckner

Confederate Lieutenant General

Governor of Kentucky

From the personal collection of Surgeon & General Bernard John Dowling Irwin. Irwin has the distinct honor of being the first recipient of the Medal of Honor in U.S. military history by date of action, February 13, 1861

(1823-1914) He was born at Glen Lily, his family's estate near Munfordville, Kentucky. His closest friend in Munfordville was Thomas J. Wood, who would become a Union Army general opposing Buckner at the Battles of Perryville, Ky., and at Chickamauga, Ga....  

Your Price: $150.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9670: CDV, General George E. Pickett

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CDV, General George E. Pickett

Led Pickett's Charge, at Gettysburg, on July 3, 1863

With back mark of Tanner & Vanness, Lynchburg, Va.

(1825-1875) Born in Richmond, Va., he graduated last in the West Point class of 1846, and was brevetted twice for gallantry in the Mexican War. Appointed brigadier general, January 14, 1862, he led a Confederate brigade with skill during the 1862 Virginia Peninsular campaign, and was severely wounded at Gaines's Mill. Serving with General James Longstreet's 1st Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, he was present at Fredericksburg and...  

Your Price: $900.00
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