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PHOTOGRAPHY > Union Generals

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The commanders of the Union Armies during the Civil War

Please note that I am very privileged to be able to offer some very rare Union Generals for sale on my website. Several of these I have never offered in my 46 years in business! Others I have had only once or maybe twice ever, and some I have not owned in well over 25 years! Many of these are not the type of images you can sit back and wait for a better price to come along. It is possible that some of these may be the only time you will see them for sale! I hope you enjoy adding them to your collections if you can! For Confederate General officer collectors please check out some of the rarities in that category too! Happy hunting!

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9697: CDV, General Henry W. Halleck

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CDV, General Henry W. Halleck

General-in-Chief of all U.S. Armies during the Civil War

(1815-1872) Graduated 3rd in the West Point class of 1839. An assistant professor while still an undergraduate at the Military Academy, he first worked upon the fortifications of New York Harbor, and in 1844 inspected those of France. Upon his return to the U.S., he wrote a Report on the Means of National Defence, which was published by Congress and won him an invitation from the Lowell Institute of Boston to deliver a series of lectures. These were published as Elements of Military...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9696: CDV, General Philip Kearny

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CDV, General Philip Kearny

"Kearny the Magnificent"

At the Mexican War battle of Churubusco, his left arm was severely wounded necessitating amputation!

He was killed at Chantilly, Virginia on September 1, 1862!

From the personal collection of Surgeon & General Bernard John Dowling Irwin. Irwin has the distinct honor of being the first recipient of the Medal of Honor in U.S. military history by date of action, February 13, 1861

(1815-62) Born in New York City to a wealthy Irish American family, he attended Columbia College, in NYC, and...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9691: CDV, General William W. Averell

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CDV, General William W. Averell

Colonel of the 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry

From the personal collection of Surgeon & General Bernard John Dowling Irwin. Irwin has the distinct honor of being the first recipient of the Medal of Honor in U.S. military history by date of action, February 13, 1861

(1832-1900) Born in Cameron, New York, he graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1855. His pre-war army career included garrison duty at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., a tour at the Cavalry School in Carlisle, Pa., and two years of rugged service fighting the western...  

Your Price: $150.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9689: CDV, General George L. Hartsuff

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CDV, General George L. Hartsuff

In December 1855, he was severely wounded in a skirmish with Seminole Indians near Fort Drane, Florida, a wound that would eventually cause his death!

Severely wounded at the battle of Antietam, Maryland, in September 1862

From the personal collection of Surgeon & General Bernard John Dowling Irwin. Irwin has the distinct honor of being the first recipient of the Medal of Honor in U.S. military history by date of action, February 13, 1861

(1830-74) Born at Tyre, New York, he graduated in the West Point class of...  

Your Price: $200.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9688: CDV, General John A. Logan

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CDV, General John A. Logan

Wounded at Fort Donelson, Tennessee, and in the Atlanta, Georgia campaign!

General Logan was instrumental in founding Memorial Day to honor our war veterans!

United States Senator and Congressman from Illinois

From the personal collection of Surgeon & General Bernard John Dowling Irwin. Irwin has the distinct honor of being the first recipient of the Medal of Honor in U.S. military history by date of action, February 13, 1861

(1826-86) Nicknamed "Black Jack," he served in the Mexican War as a lieutenant of...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9685: CDV, General Frank P. Blair

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CDV, General Frank P. Blair

United States Congressman & Senator from Missouri

He was instrumental in preventing Missouri from joining the Confederacy in 1861

The Blair family were close friends of President Abraham Lincoln

(1821-75) Born in Lexington, Kentucky, he was the son of an advisor to presidents, and the brother of Montgomery Blair, President Abraham Lincoln's first postmaster general. From secession to reconstruction, Francis P. Blair, Jr. made a series of major contributions to the Union cause. No man did more to block Missouri's joining the...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9684: CDV, Lieutenant Colonel, Barton S. Alexander

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CDV, Lieutenant Colonel, Barton S. Alexander

Chief Engineer of the defenses of Washington, D.C., in 1861

Photograph taken by Alexander Gardner, Washington, D.C.

(1819-78) Born in Nicholas County, Kentucky, he graduated #7 in the West Point class of 1842, and was commissioned into the elite U.S. Engineers Corps. He served in the Mexican War, as an engineer officer building fortifications to protect the supply lines of the U.S. Army during their advance upon Mexico City. After the war, he was stationed in Washington, D.C., where he served as architect for the Scott Building of...  

Your Price: $95.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9681: CDV, Colonel Aaron F. Stevens

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CDV, Colonel Aaron F. Stevens

Colonel 13th New Hampshire Infantry

Wounded at the Battle of Cold Harbor, Va., and the Capture of Fort Harrison, Va.

United States Congressman from New Hampshire

Autographed carte de visite with rank & regiment

(1819-87) Born in Derry, N.H., he was a lawyer by occupation, and served as a member of the New Hampshire State House of Representatives in 1845. He was a delegate to the Whig National Convention in 1852, and served as solicitor of Hillsborough County, 1856-1861. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted on...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9680: CDV, General Robert Anderson

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CDV, General Robert Anderson

The gallant Union commander of Fort Sumter, South Carolina who withstood a 36 hour bombardment before surrendering the fort

(1805-1871) Born at "Soldier's Retreat," the Anderson family estate near Louisville, Kentucky. He graduated in the West Point class of 1825, and participated in the Black Hawk Indian War, in Florida. In the Mexican War, he fought in the Siege of Vera Cruz, the Battle of Cerro Gordo, the Skirmish of Amazoque, and the Battle of Molino del Rey where he was severely wounded while assaulting the Mexican...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9679: CDV, General George B. McClellan

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CDV, General George B. McClellan

General-in-Chief of the U.S. Armies during the Civil War, 1861-62

Democratic Presidential Candidate that was defeated by President Abraham Lincoln in 1864

Governor of New Jersey

(1826-85) Hailed as the "Young Napoleon," McClellan was thought to have of the greatest military minds of his generation. He was born in Philadelphia, the son of a prominent surgeon, Dr. George McClellan, the founder of Jefferson Medical College. One of McClellan's great-grandfathers was General Samuel McClellan of Woodstock, Connecticut, a...  

Your Price: $125.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9678: CDV, General Joseph K.F. Mansfield

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CDV, General Joseph K.F. Mansfield

Mortally wounded at the battle of Antietam, Maryland, in September 1862

(1803-1862) Born in New Haven, Connecticut, he graduated #2 in the West Point class of 1822. He served as chief engineer under General Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War fighting gallantly at Fort Brown, Monterey and Buena Vista, and earned promotion to the ranks of brevet major, lieutenant colonel and colonel in the Regular U.S. Army. On May 18, 1861, he was appointed Brigadier General in the regular army and assigned to the command of Washington and its environs by...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9645: CDV, General Charles B. Spicer

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CDV, General Charles B. Spicer

Served as brigadier general in the New York State Militia in the 1850's and during the Civil War.

Wet plate, albumen carte de visite photograph, mounted to 2 3/8 x 4 1/4 card. Standing view wearing double breasted frock coat with epaulets and rank of brigadier general. He is also wearing what appears to be a two piece N.Y. belt plate, sash, and is holding his sword. His chapeau with plume sits on top of the studio table at his side. Back mark: J. Gurney & Son, 707 Broadway, N.Y. Very sharp. Excellent image.  

Your Price: $100.00
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