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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9539: CDV, William Lloyd Garrison

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CDV, William Lloyd Garrison

The Famous Abolitionist, and Prominent Advocate of Women's Rights!

(1805-79) Born in in Newburyport, Massachusetts, he was a newspaper publisher, and editor of the "The Liberator," a Boston newspaper that was a strong and influential voice for abolition which he began in 1831, and continued for 35 years. He was one of the founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society and promoted the immediate and uncompensated emancipation of slaves in the United States. A price was put on his head, and he was burned in effigy, and gallows were...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9523: CDV, Children of the Gettysburg Battlefield

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CDV, Children of the Gettysburg Battlefield

This image was found clutched in the hands of Sergeant Amos Humiston, 154th New York Infantry, as he lay dead on the Gettysburg battlefield

Wet plate, albumen carte de visite photograph, mounted to 2 3/8 x 4 card. Group view of the 3 Sergeant Amos Humiston children. Imprint on the front mount identifying the children from left to right as Frank, Frederick and Alice. Back mark: "The Children Of The Battle Field." This is a copy of the Ferrotype found in the hands of Sergeant Amos Humiston, of the 154th N.Y. Volunteers as he lay...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv8495: CDV, Poet James Russell Lowell

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CDV, Poet James Russell Lowell

Served as U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Spain, and U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James, England

(1819-91) Born and died at Cambridge, Mass. He was a world known poet, writer, educator, public servant, and foremost American man of letters in his time. He graduated from Harvard, and the Harvard Law School. He succeeded Henry Wadsworth Longfellow as Smith professor of French and Spanish, and professor of belles letters at Harvard. Lowell became involved in the movement to abolish slavery, using poetry to express his anti-slavery...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Mem9440: Advertisement, W.H. Tipton, Gettysburg Battlefield Photographer

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Advertisement, W.H. Tipton, Gettysburg Battlefield Photographer

3 3/4 x 6, imprint. Copyrighted 1887 By W.H. Tipton, with his trademark logo which incorporates the interlocking initials "W.H.T.," and "Established 1859, Artistic Photography." Below the logo is their archival photograph number and title, "No. 734. John L. Burns." It continues with a detailed biographical description regarding Mr. Burns: "At the commencement of the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1st, 1863, John L. Burns, then past 70 years of age and a citizen of the place, inspired by the spirit of true patriotism,...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item HI-311: Tintype, Young Girl

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Tintype, Young Girl

Half plate tintype of a cute young girl seated in a chair. Very fine looking image in this larger size format. Measures 5 x 7. Tintype only. Would look nice in a frame.  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item AP634: Confederate Prisoners of War at Gettysburg, July 1863

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Confederate Prisoners of War at Gettysburg, July 1863

This superb scene was taken by Mathew Brady on Seminary Ridge on about July 15, 1863. An historic image, it is one of the finest to come out of the Civil War documenting Confederate uniforms and equipment. An extremely popular Confederate image.

8 x 10, black and white copy photograph. Printed on high quality glossy photographic paper, this would be a great image to frame or use in a Gettysburg display.  

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