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Authentic letters from the battlefield, camps and home front during the Civil War

"The soldier looks upon a letter from home as a perfect God send, sent as it were by some kind ministering angel to cheer his dark and weary hours."
Private Robert Goodyear, 27th Connecticut Infantry

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item UL2060: 28th New York Infantry Letter

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28th New York Infantry Letter

3 pages, 5 x 8, in ink, written by John A. Yeckley. Fully identified with company and regiment.

Camp near Darnstown, Maryland, Oct. 17 [1862]

Dear brother,

It has been some time since I have written to you or heard from you & the reason why is that I did not know where to write for I heard that you had enlisted & that is the reason that I have not written oftener. I got a letter from mother yesterday & she is in want of some money. She says she is not allowed a cent this summer & that her feet is bare to the ground. It is...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item UL2059: 28th New York Infantry Soldier Letter

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28th New York Infantry Soldier Letter

3 1/2 pages, 5 1/8 x 6 1/2, in ink, written by John A. Yeckley.

Winchester, Virginia, March 16th, 1862

Friend Josephine,

I received your letter yesterday & I was glad to hear from you for it was so long since I heard from you that I thought you had forgotten me. The reason that I did not write before is because I heard that you was not at home & besides that I did not receive any answer to my last letter. We are once more in Virginia & we expected to have a fine time taking Winchester, but the Rebels all left the night before...  

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28th New York Infantry Letter

"you have heard all the news about the battle at Winchester. The Rebels lost killed, wounded & prisoner about twelve hundred, & we followed them about thirty miles, all along the road where they left their dead & wounded, nearly every horse was killed with the wounded."

3 pages, 5 x 7 1/2, in ink, written by John A. Yeckley, Company E, 28th New York Infantry, to his brother.

Camp Near Edinburg, Va., March 8th/62

Dear brother,

I received your letter last night & was glad to hear from you for I had not...  

Your Price: $185.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item UL2057: 1862 Letter From Gorham, Maine

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1862 Letter From Gorham, Maine

Written on a beautiful full color Union patriotic letter sheet

"I hope this [war] will soon come to an end and have peace again in our country."

4 pages, 5 x 8, in ink, written by Benjamin Frey, to George H. Yeckley, on a beautiful full color patriotic letter sheet featuring Columbia holding a sword and the American flag. Very fine condition. Desirable patriotic stationary used in 1862.

Gorham, (Maine), February the 5th, 1862

Mr. George H. Yeckley,

Dear Sir,

My friend I must once more take the...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item UL2056: 11th New Jersey Infantry Soldier Letter and Cover

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11th New Jersey Infantry Soldier Letter and Cover

In the Battle of Gettysburg the 11th New Jersey Infantry lost 26 men killed and 122 wounded

4 pages, 5 x 8, in ink, written by Quarter Master Sergeant Benjamin F. Titsworth, Co. D, 11th New Jersey Infantry, with the original cover addressed to Miss Amanda Wallace, Lawrenceville, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania. C.D.S., Washington, D.C., Apr. 4, with 3 cents rose George Washington U.S. postage stamp. Excellent fully identified New Jersey soldier letter.

Wagon Park in the field
Quartermaster Department
11th New Jersey...  

Your Price: $250.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item UL2055: 105th New York Infantry Soldier Letter & Cover

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105th New York Infantry Soldier Letter & Cover

3 pages, 5 x 8, in ink, written on a patriotic letter sheet. The edges are trimmed in red and blue, and it has an embossed vignette of an American flag with stars, and olive branches, and "UNION" within. Comes with its original envelope which has a patriotic theme on the verso. It is trimmed in red and blue and has an embossed vignette of a spread winged eagle perched on an American shield with the motto, Union & Constitution. Addressed to George Cooke, Esq., Le Roy, Genesee Co., N.Y., with postmark, Washington, D.C., Apr. 10, 1862, with three...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item UL2054: 29th Massachusetts Infantry Letter

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29th Massachusetts Infantry Letter

Sawyer gun explodes killing 4 men and wounding 4 others with the largest piece passing over his head!

4 pages, 4 1/2 x 7 1/2, in ink, written by William E. Cobbett, Co. G, 29th Massachusetts Infantry, to his Father & Mother. Includes a worn patriotic envelope that has a full color illustration of a firing cannon with an American flag flying overhead. Addressed to Mrs. William Cobbett, Canton, Mass., with indistinct postmark, and stamp cut off.

Camp Butler, Newport News, Va., Feb. 12, [1862], Company G, 29 Reg. [Massachusetts...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item UL2053: Letter From Soldier in the 28th Pennsylvania Infantry

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Letter From Soldier in the 28th Pennsylvania Infantry

"Our Company is still out on picket duty along the Potomac River and our enemy is still on the other side of the Potomac. We can see the Rebels every day. The talk is we will go further South. That part would suit me very well. I would be pleased to go away from this state. I was in Virginia on a scouting party last week, but we could not capture any Rebels. They were as smart as we was on this day."

4 pages, 5 x 8, written in ink, by John Sower, to his parents, on a full color, patriotic letter sheet with a soldier standing at...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item UL2502: Letter to Soldier in the 158th Pennsylvania Infantry

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Letter to Soldier in the 158th Pennsylvania Infantry

"Nicholas M. Bowers is no more. He was but a short time with his Regiment when it was ordered into battle and at Chancellorsville, on Sunday May 3rd, he fell wounded in the leg below the knee. The leg was very much shattered and after repeated trials he was left in the hands of the enemy, and was not brought over until the 15th. His wound had not been attended to and he died on the 16th."

2 pages, 5 x 8, in ink, written by L.H. Montgomery to David Hafer, Co. D, 158th Regt. Pa, Inft., Care Col. D.B. McKibbin, Little Washington,...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item UL2051: 25th Maine Infantry Chaplain's Letter + CDV Photograph

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25th Maine Infantry Chaplain's Letter + CDV Photograph

Written on multiple imprinted regimental letter sheets!

"Burnside will not go into winter quarters till he has Richmond & slain enough Rebels to make it pay to rest a while. I envy no one at home while the war lasts. It is better to fight to the death than let these Rebels conquer. I hope the most desperate measures will be adopted & I much prefer their Slaves should cut their throats & sew them to their own abode that they should slay our soldiers & destroy the Union. If we are not soon successful I shall be most thankful when the Slave...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item UL2050: 144th New York Infantry Letter

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144th New York Infantry Letter

"I have not heard from James nor Gilbert since I last wrote to you for it is about sixty five miles from here to Charleston and we don’t have to go there since [General Joseph E.] Johnston surrendered. There is a great many Union prisoners here from Rebeldom to go to their homes in the North and some have been prisoners a long time and won’t there be joy for a son and husband when they get home. It is estimated that about fifty thousand have been sent North from here in the last two months and still they are coming in every few days."...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item UL2049: 144th New York Infantry Letter

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144th New York Infantry Letter

"General Sherman has come through here so that the Confederacy is cut in two now and both army’s will be together in a few days for they are only forty five miles apart now and Savannah is between them with all the railroads in our hands and the place must fall soon and then Charleston will come next and Sherman is the man to drive the Rebs to their holes and whip them too before the war will end. There is a report here that Savannah is ours and if it is not it will be in a few days for Sherman is on all sides of it and our men are between there...  

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