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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9690: CDV, Headquarters of General Irvin McDowell

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CDV, Headquarters of General Irvin McDowell

McDowell commanded the Union army at the 1st Battle of Bull Run, Virginia in 1861

Photo taken in Arlington, Virginia, 1862

Wet plate, albumen carte de visite photograph, mounted to 2 3/4 x 4 1/8 card. Excellent view of an octagon house in Arlington, Va., that was used as the headquarters of General Irvin McDowell in the early summer of 1862. Three Union soldiers can be seen standing on the front porch. A ladder can be seen leaning against the cupola at the top of the house which was used as an observation post. Card is trimmed. No...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9668: CDV, Headquarters of General Lafayette & Porter, York River, Va.

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CDV, Headquarters of General Lafayette & Porter, York River, Va.

1862 Barnard & Gibson image

Wet plate, albumen photograph, mounted to 2 1/2 x 4 card. Imprint on the front mount, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by Barnard & Gibson, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Columbia. Partial imprint on the verso, Headquarters Lafayette-Headquarters General Porter. Farnhold's House and York River in the Distance.

This view shows Union soldiers, and negro servants in the foreground in front of a wooden building with a portico at the entrance. A large Union...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9646: CDV, South West View of Battery No. 1, York River, Va.

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CDV, South West View of Battery No. 1, York River, Va.

1862 Mathew Brady Album Gallery Card

Wet plate, albumen carte de visite photograph, mounted to 2 1/2 x 4 card. Imprint on the front mount, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by Barnard & Gibson, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Columbia. Photographic label on the reverse, Brady's Album Gallery, No. 365. South-West View Of Battery, No. 1. At Farnhold's House, York River, mounting 5- 100 pound, and 1- 200 pound rifled gun. Light wear and age toning. Very desirable 1862 Virginia Peninsula...  

Your Price: $150.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item AP684: Photograph, Confederate Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia

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Photograph, Confederate Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia

Imprint of Taylor & Huntington, Hartford, Conn. The War For The Union, Photographic History, 1861-1865. Original Photograph taken by the Government Photographer during the war. View No. 6161. Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. This famous prison was the scene of much suffering during the War Between the States. Union prisoners were crowded into this building like sardines in a box. The building was formally the Libby & Son Ship Chandlers & Grocers. The prisoners were ill treated and more than half starved by the brutal keepers. Some wonderful escapes were made...  

Your Price: $125.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv9601: CDV, Taylor's Tavern, Near Falls Church, Virginia

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CDV, Taylor's Tavern, Near Falls Church, Virginia

1862 Mathew Brady Image

Wet plate, albumen carte de visite photograph, mounted to 2 1/2 x 4 card. View of Taylor's Tavern with a Union officer with saber standing in the foreground. A Union soldier standing at attention is visible at the center of the view. Imprint on the front mount: Entered According to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by M.B. Brady, to the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Columbia. Back mark: Brady's Album Gallery, No. 296. Taylor's Tavern. Entered According to Act of Congress, in the year 1862,...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item AP679: 2nd Massachusetts Infantry, in the Spanish American War, 1898

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2nd Massachusetts Infantry, in the Spanish American War, 1898

Wet plate, albumen photograph, that measures 6 1/2 x 4 3/4, and it is mounted to a thick gray card stock that measures 7 3/4 x 6. Outdoor scene of 8 soldiers of Co. K, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, standing at attention with their rifles in the order arms position, wearing slouch hats and leggings. An officer is standing at attention to the left of the group. An army wagon is behind and to the left of the soldiers. Clearly visible on the covered part of the army wagon is 2nd Infty., Co. K, Mass. They are posing in front of a brick building,...  

Your Price: $35.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item AP678: 2nd Massachusetts Infantry, in the Spanish American War, 1898

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2nd Massachusetts Infantry, in the Spanish American War, 1898

Wet plate, albumen photograph, that measures 6 1/2 x 4 3/4, and it is mounted to a thick gray card stock that measures 7 3/4 x 6. Outdoor scene of 9 soldiers of Co. K, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, posing on a broken down wagon. Two wagon wheels are laying on the ground in front of the wagon. A banner with the inscription, 2nd Infty., Co. K, Mass. is at the center of the view between the 2 wagon wheels. Their stacked rifles can be seen on both sides of the wagon. Posing in front of a brick building, possibly a fort. No photographer's imprint. There...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item AP669: Photograph, Military Bridge Across The Chickahominy

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Photograph, Military Bridge Across The Chickahominy

Alexander Gardner View

Wet plate, albumen photograph, 3 x 2 1/4, on 3 3/4 x 2 3/4 card mount. No backmark. Identification on the reverse, "Bridge over the Chickahominy, Virginia." View showing the bridge with the Chickahominy River in the foreground. Light age toning.

Otherwise known by the name of its builder, and marked on the map, "Woodbury's Bridge." The picture is taken at a point where the accumulated waters most presented the character of a stream, the swamp being in some places all of a mile in width, and...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv8440: CDV, The Gravesite of Senator Stephen A. Douglas

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CDV, The Gravesite of Senator Stephen A. Douglas

The "Little Giant" opposed Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 presidential election

1861 Chicago imprint on the front mount

(1813-1861) An outstanding legislator, and orator, he was one of the founders of the Democratic Party in Illinois. Served as U.S. Senator, 1843-61. He is best known for his debates in 1858 against Abraham Lincoln. He was narrowly defeated for the Democratic nomination for president by Franklin Buchanan in 1856. He did gain the Democratic nomination in 1860, but was defeated for the presidency by his old friend...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv8321: CDV, Civil War Era View of Boston, Massachusetts

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CDV, Civil War Era View of Boston, Massachusetts

Wet plate, albumen carte de visite photograph, mounted to 2 3/8 x 4 card. Outdoor view with numerous men lined up in formation in the distance. Backmark: Robinson & Locke, Photographers, 129 Tremont and 35 Winter Sts., (Over Whitney's Thread Store) Boston. A previous owner of this image has identified it in pencil on the reverse as "Civil War Troops on Boston Common." Very fine.  

Your Price: $35.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv8188: CDV, General Rufus Ingalls Family Gathering

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CDV, General Rufus Ingalls Family Gathering

From the personal photograph album of General Ingalls!

(1818-93) Graduated in the West Point class of 1843, and was commissioned 2nd lieutenant in the Mounted Rifles, and later in the 1st Dragoons. He was awarded the brevet of 1st lieutenant for his service during the Mexican War. At the beginning of the Civil War, Ingalls was appointed Chief Quarter Master of the Army of the Potomac. He served successively under Generals' McClellan, Burnside, Hooker and Meade, rendering outstanding service to each of them in this position of great...  

Your Price: $45.00
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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv8169: CDV, Ship Photographed in Portsea, England

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CDV, Ship Photographed in Portsea, England

Wet plate, albumen photograph, mounted to 4 x 2 3/8 card. View of an unidentified screw steamer. Backmark: J. Harris, 83 Queen Street, Portsea, [England]. Very fine.

During the War Between The States, England not only built ships, but also provided crews, armaments and provisions for the Confederacy.  

Your Price: $75.00
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