For Private Who Died in 1862
8 1/4 x 13, imprinted form, filled out in ink.
Final Statement of John Bowman, deceased, late a private of Company K, 50th Regiment Va. Inf., born in Patrick County, State of Virginia, was enlisted by Lieut. W.T. Noel at Rocky Gap, Va., on the 1st day of June 1862, to serve for three years. He died at Patrick Co., Va., on the 10th day of Dec. 1862. He was last paid by Capt. J.B. Whited, Quartermaster, to include the 31st day of Oct. 1862, and is entitled to pay therefrom, to the 10th day of Dec. 1862, at which time he died. He has received the bounty of $50. He is entitled to commutation for transportation, in lieu of furlough, from Rocky Gap, Va. to Patrick Co., Va. and back, which is 100 miles. He is entitled to commutation for rations for (60) Sixty days. Given at Dublin, Va., this 15th day of March 1865. Jeff T. Lawson, Capt. Co. K, Commanding Company. To W.H.S. Taylor, Second Auditor, Richmond, Va.
Light age toning and wear. Very fine.
Jefferson T. Lawson, who signed this document, was a 31 year old carpenter, from Patrick County, Virginia, when he enlisted as captain, on June 22, 1861, and was commissioned into Co. K, 50th Virginia Infantry.
The 50th Virginia Infantry, was sent to Tennessee in February 1862, and the regiment was captured at Fort Donelson, where they had 11 killed and 40 wounded. After they were exchanged, the regiment was assigned to the Department of Western Virginia, and fought at Carnifax Ferry. Later the 50th served in the Army of Northern Virginia, and participated in numerous battles including Kelly's Ford, Chancellosville (8 killed & 110 wounded), Gettysburg (96 killed & wounded), the Bristoe and Mine Run campaigns, the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and Cold Harbor. Transferred to the Shenandoah Valley, they saw action at Lynchburg, Monocacy, Winchester, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek and Waynesboro. |