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PHOTOGRAPHY > WBTS Confederate Image Archives

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Here is a small sampling of some of the thousands of historic and rare Confederate images that War Between The States and its proprietor Len Rosa have had the privilege to collect and sell through his 46 years in business! There are also some Confederate autographs thrown in too.

I share them here for your enjoyment and reference purposes only. They may not be copied or used without the expressed written permission of Len Rosa.

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv8310: Autograph, General Joseph E. Johnston

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Autograph, General Joseph E. Johnston

Autographed carte de visite

(1807-1891) Graduated from West Point in the class of 1825. One of his classmates was Robert E. Lee. He served with great distinction in the Seminole and Mexican Wars, in which he was wounded and brevetted repeatedly. He was commissioned a brigadier general in the Confederate Army in May 1861. The forces he commanded at Harpers Ferry linked up in time to fight with General Beauregard at 1st Manassas, turning the tide of battle in favor of the Confederacy. This performance earned him a full generalcy and the...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item AP-579: Photograph, General Robert E. Lee

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Photograph, General Robert E. Lee

(1807-1870) Born at Stratford, in Westmoreland County, Va. Son of the legendary Revolutionary War hero, "Lighthorse Harry" Lee. Graduated #2 in the West Point class of 1829 without a single demerit to his name in 4 years! He emerged from the Mexican War with one wound, three brevets for gallantry, a brilliant reputation, and the ever lasting esteem of the commanding General of the U.S.A., Winfield Scott, who said Lee was "the very best soldier that I ever saw in the field." Served as Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy,...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Archive-C51: CDV, General William Barksdale

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CDV, General William Barksdale

Mortally wounded at Gettysburg

(1821-63) After attending the University of Nashville, and studying law, he became the editor of the Columbus, Miss. Democrat. He served in the Mexican War as an enlisted man and officer, and was elected to Congress from Mississippi in 1852, where he vehemently upheld the cause of states rights until his resignation upon the secession of Mississippi from the Union. Barksdale was at first appointed quartermaster general of Mississippi; then entered the Confederate service as colonel of the 13th Mississippi...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv8062: CDV, Private James W. Price, Washington Artillery of New Orleans

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CDV, Private James W. Price, Washington Artillery of New Orleans

Autographed and presented carte de visite

Rare image taken in New Orleans wearing Washington Artillery badge and Washington Artillery regimental letters on his kepi

Wet plate, albumen carte de visite photograph, mounted to 2 3/8 x 4 card. Half view, in uniform, wearing his gold Washington Artillery pin on his breast, and kepi with brass, crossed cannons, artillery insignia, with the regimental letters, "W.A." of the elite Washington Artillery, from New Orleans, La., distinctly visible on the front of his kepi. Back mark: S....  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv8011: CDV, Colonel Richard C. Morgan

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CDV, Colonel Richard C. Morgan

Extremely rare autographed carte de visite while a prisoner of war at Fort Delaware!

Brother of Confederate General John Hunt Morgan

Colonel of the 14th Kentucky Cavalry

Captured during General John Hunt Morgan's 1863 Ohio Raid

(1836-1918) Born in Fayette County, Kentucky, he was the younger brother of the legendary Confederate General John Hunt Morgan, and the brother-in-law of Confederate Generals’ Basil Duke and A.P. Hill. Known as "Dick," he entered the Confederate service in 1861, and was appointed an...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv7985: CDV, Admiral Franklin Buchanan

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CDV, Admiral Franklin Buchanan

Extremely rare view taken in his Confederate naval uniform

Commander of the famous Confederate Ironclad Virginia during her duel with the Union Ironclad Monitor

(1800-74) Entered the navy as a midshipman in 1815. He was George Bancroft's chief adviser in planning the Naval Academy and was its first Superintendent serving 1845-47. He fought in the Mexican War and commanded the flagship in Perry's expedition to China and Japan 1852-55. He was named to command the Washington Navy Yard in 1859, and resigned on April 22, 1861 to join the...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Archive-C79: CDV, Admiral Franklin Buchanan, C.S. Navy

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CDV, Admiral Franklin Buchanan, C.S. Navy

Extremely rare view taken in Baltimore

Commander of the famous Confederate Ironclad Virginia during her duel with the Union Ironclad Monitor

(1800-74) Entered the navy as a midshipman in 1815. He was George Bancroft's chief advisor in planning the Naval Academy and was its first Superintendent serving 1845-47. He fought in the Mexican War and commanded the flagship in Perry's expedition to China and Japan 1852-55. He was named to command the Washington Navy Yard in 1859, and resigned on April 22, 1861 to join the Confederacy....  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto3600: Autograph, General Thomas J. Stonewall Jackson

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Autograph, General Thomas J. Stonewall Jackson

War Date Autograph Letter Signed

Extremely rare field orders instructing General Richard S. Ewell to move his troops for a military strike during Stonewall Jackson's legendary 1862 Shenandoah Valley campaign!

Includes Ewell's handwritten response to Jackson!

7 1/4 x 9 1/2, in ink.

Conrad Store
near Swift Run Gap
2:20 P.M., April 20, 1862


Since writing my dispatch this morning I have received another from you. The position I wish you to encamp at tomorrow evening (Monday) is at the...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Auto3501: Autographs, Generals Earl Van Dorn, Daniel Ruggles & Thomas Jordan

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Autographs, Generals Earl Van Dorn, Daniel Ruggles & Thomas Jordan

War Date Endorsements Signed by 3 Confederate Generals

General Van Dorn was killed in 1863!

General Earl Van Dorn: (1820-63) Graduated in the West Point class of 1842 with James Longstreet. He saw service in the Indian campaigns and was brevetted captain and major for gallantry in the Mexican War. He resigned from the U.S. Army on Jan. 31, 1861, in order to join the Confederacy. Commissioned brigadier general on June 5, 1861, he was assigned to Texas where some of the Union forces there surrendered to him. Promoted to major...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv7225: CDV, General Robert E. Lee

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CDV, General Robert E. Lee

Image by Selden & Ennis, Richmond, Virginia

(1807-1870) Born at Stratford, in Westmoreland County, Va. Son of the legendary Revolutionary War hero, "Lighthorse Harry" Lee. Graduated #2 in the West Point class of 1829 without a single demerit to his name in 4 years! He emerged from the Mexican War with one wound, three brevets for gallantry, a brilliant reputation, and the ever lasting esteem of the commanding General of the U.S.A., Winfield Scott, who said Lee was "the very best soldier that I ever saw in the field."...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item Archive-C32: CDV, Colonel Randal W. MacGavock

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CDV, Colonel Randal W. MacGavock

Colonel 10th Tennessee Infantry

Killed in action in 1863 at the battle of Raymond, Mississippi

(1826-63) Born in Nashville, he graduated from the University of Tennessee in 1846, and the Harvard Law School in 1849. Active in local and national politics, he was elected mayor of Nashville in 1856, and served as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1860. A strong advocate of states rights, he campaigned for John C. Breckenridge for president. With the threat of war imminent, Mac Gavock raised a company of Irish volunteers...  

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item cdv5640: CDV, General Stephen D. Lee

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CDV, General Stephen D. Lee

Extremely rare view with Tucker & Perkins, Augusta, Georgia back mark

(1833-1908) Born in Charleston, S.C., he graduated in the West Point class of 1854. He resigned his commission in the U.S. Army on Feb. 20, 1861, and joined the Confederate army with rank of captain, and his early war service was that of aide-de-camp to Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard. An artilleryman, he served with that branch of service through all the early Virginia campaigns and at Sharpsburg, with rank of colonel. On Nov. 6, 1862, he was appointed brigadier general and was...  

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